Signs That You’re Screwed in Life For Your High Intelligence

I can’t make friends

Making friends is an art, and well, you’re fucked up in that. But have you ever thought why you can’t make friends?

Probably, you’ve not found any similar intelligent companion like yourself. They’re rare. And silly talks bore you.

I’m easily frustrated

You do things, and sometimes you don’t win. Okay. But then why your face has this dead-pan expression for days after you lose? Like you’ve lost everything!

Frustration may come from your trust on your intelligence. So when you get bumped up, you can’t believe that.

I don’t like changes

You follow your routine. You like a specific color or specific type of dress. Your mornings are no different than others. Well, you love discipline, and loath changes.

Your subconscious mind doesn’t want to share the precious intelligence for these non-productive actions. There’re better things to do. Like deciding which movies to watch this week.

I hate social gatherings

You’re nor a talker neither a listener. You hate to attend marriages or family ceremonies. Somehow you find a reason not to go there, and even if you’ve to, you make sure you’re invisible.

Silly talks don’t attract you, and nor the artificiality. You search for quality, because your intelligence is on the higher side.

I spent weekends/holidays reading books or watching movies

You suck. Your friends or partner is sick of you because you’re a lazy ass. You download or collect movies and buy books and spend your holidays/weekends with those rather with real people.

You actually are living many lives in your single life. Books make you smarter, and movies help you imagine. Intelligence has its own price.

I’ve no idea what to gift to my partner

Your gift idea is horrible. You wake up at the last moment just before the very day, and search frantically for a gift, but cannot narrow down to one. And then you buy something terrible, which you too hate.

Unlike others, before buying a gift you think too much. Will it be nice or acceptable or useful or collectable? I don’t blame you, I blame your intelligence.   

I love to sleep but in morning

The soft pillow and foamy bed induce a semi-coma in you at morning, and you love it. Your partner hates you and fights with you for your morning sleepiness. Once or two, you try to wake up at morning and go to gym, but then the whole day is wasted. You quit waking up.

Okay. Study says intelligent persons go to bed late and wake up later. That’s enough explaining.

I travel rare

You don’t like vacations much. On holidays you prefer your small den with good food and movies/books. Even if you’re in a vacation, you don’t like roaming around. You sit and enjoy the beauty, or watch people. Everybody knows you’re lazy.

You don’t need vacations to travel. You open a book and visit exotic locations with strangest tales. You start a movie and travel farthest star system with their unique civilization. Boy! You’re intelligent.

Sofa pulls me

You spend your most of the day on sofa. Your mother is angry, father is pissed off and if you’re married, your wife is probably thinking of leaving you. But you can’t help. It pulls you.

Science says, sofa’s relative gravity is even greater than Sun. Your rational intelligent mind only conforms to that notion.

I’m least active in social media

You open and swipe through Facebook or WhatsApp often, but don’t post or like or comment anything. You don’t feel that, despite your friends’ demands. You even didn’t post about your last job-change or transfer. Your social media life suck.

On contrary, you’re perfect and your intelligence is behind your languid image. Your inactivity in internet doesn’t mean that you’ve no interest. You only don’t feel to let the world know every little things of your life.


Unknown said…
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Reeti Pandey said…
Though I really appreciate your thoughts but here is my point of view.

1. The more you meet and talk to people, more are your chances to find an "intelligent" person who might interest you.
2.Acceptance is the key. Yes you are intelligent and failure worries you but drooling over it and making a negative atmosphere for people around you will not help either.
3. No comments on this one. I have seen Sheldon Cooper :-D
4. Having a pre notion in your head that whoever you are going to meet will not match your intelligence level and will definitely have something silly to talk about is, I am sorry to say, a demeaning way of looking at people.
5. Again a personal choice. Whatever works best for the two involved.
6. At times it is good not to over think. I know your intelligence controls you but let your heart take the lead sometimes. Maybe it's not the "gift" that matters to the other person, it's the gesture that touches their heart.
7. One of those many things that you need to work on once you start living with someone - be it just a room mate or a life partner. Again, whatever works best for the two involved.
8. Travelling holds different meaning to different people. Some prefer adventures while others enjoy their quiet space. Period.
9. Good to use science to support you but I am worried about the physical health of the person :-D Lazy bums invite problems!
10. Social media is overrated!

Using intelligence to defend self each time is not intelligent! Books can enhance your knowledge, teach you few things but people and experience makes you intelligent too! So go out, explore world and welcome opinions :)
I appreciate for your thoughts Reeti. They are perfect. And thanks for reading. I guess you've got me wrong on one thing. I never tried to justify the wrongs or the actions of asocials or socially-awkward persons. I just tried to explain them - maybe in a way where they will not be taken as freaks. It was an effort to see things from an angle, where their selves atleast are important to them and there was nothing wrong from being distant from meaningless relationships and gossips and materialism and absurd pressure for pre-destined communication. It is not wrong to live life a little alone and without a boarding master - telling everytime what to do and what not.

All I wanted to convey that sometime your intelligence screws your social life - and there's nothing wrong in it. 'Coz unfortunately I'm living at both and I know things :)
Anonymous said…
Nice too