The Adventure With Butterflies
When all the flowers swayed with soothing air and welcomed her, the little one smiled. Her mother taught her not to touch or pluck flowers. Flowers do have a life. The baby flowers grow from little buds to colorful petals, a full journey. She understood, and so when the flowers welcomed her, she leaned forward and giggled. She walked over the grass and played with butterflies, as though she could speak with them. They showed her their secret hives and their unlimited love towards flowers. “How come you guys fly? I cannot fly”, the little one asked. “You don’t have any wings. I can’t see any wings”, the leader of the butterflies said. He had these two beautiful mosaic see-through wings. And his little body was attached in-between. The little one was sad. She too wanted to fly and sat on flowers and love them. No one stopped butterflies from touching the flowers, only her mother did. She flipped her hands as though she could fly. The gang of butterflies laughed. “Why ...