Are We Racist? Nope Nope

Fuck yeah. India tops in racism. There’s nothing for bragging, it’s for fact. And fact is always true. 

(Saying that, I must add that, I love my country and all. There shouldn’t be any misconception that I’m an agent of foreign enemy countries and want a pie of India’s disgrace. Our government is doing that by themselves by their irresponsible and hilarious comments.)

Acknowledging a problem is the halfway through the solution. But we love to avoid problems and love to have rosy pictures of shits. But a shit is a shit. Can’t change that. Even if a minister says that.

Who among us haven’t faced racism? If you are Northie, go to South India or if you live in South, come to North, beyond wall. If you are a North-Eastern woman, come to Delhi and become Chinki, or if you are Bengali, go to Mumbai and become Bangladeshi. The widespread prejudices, xenophobia and stereotypes in India are of no match.

Some stupid said, “It’s not racism dude. Racism is hating black. We don’t hate black here”.

Bro. I appreciate your peanut sized intellect. That suits you. But even in your definition, we top. We are brown. Fried burgundy type. But still we worship white. Except Kali, all our Goddesses are fair, and plump (that is uncalled for, sorry). Whitish fair. Barring few, all our arranged marriages demand brides as fair as permafrost Himalayas. So we have fairness creams. Billions of dollars are being spent each year by rubbing some creams on faces, attempting to remove genetic pigments from skin, in a country whose two-third population are still under official poverty line by UN. Now the males have their own version of whitening creams too (nope naughty, not that one). Funny and saddening thing is our top actors endorse that. If you are black, then you are fucked by life. But if you use this shit and be clownish white, you can be like ours. Jokers.

Then bro, look into those Indian selfie lovers. Have you ever saw someone asking a black couple, even from America to have a selfie with them? No. They ask whites. Sexy kind of. And bro, look into ourselves then. A Sudanese guy must be a drug dealer, or a Nigerian girl definitely is a whore. Look at the awful lips. Look at the color. Awww! They are poor.

Of course, I haven’t told these to that stupid. For, I too believe in racism, that I am a better race than that thick-brained. Well, intellectually. And my words would face a wall, rather another mind. I acknowledge it. 


Unknown said…
Very nicely written Abhik...and a stark reality which we all know deep inside our heart but we won't agree...forget chinki....we say bihari to our neighbouring state as that not racism? It's everywhere
Unknown said…
Very nicely written Abhik...and a stark reality which we all know deep inside our heart but we won't agree...forget chinki....we say bihari to our neighbouring state as that not racism? It's everywhere
Sorry for late reply Manish. You said truth. Bihari is a slang we use for inferior races, whereas we hate Americans or Europeans who use Bloody Indians to us. Hypocrisy is the word.
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