Uttarakhand is Burning – Things to Know

Past 90 days, so far deadliest forest fires have claimed 1900 hectre of forest in Uttarakhand. 6.17% of Indian forests are prone to severe fire damage. 50% are risky.

High Temperature, Low Rainfall & El-Nino to be blamed, but foul play hasn't ruled out. Govt. says it will take actions against culprits after the fire is doused.

Govt's inability and incapacity fuels the rage of fire. Every year between February to June, forest fires are common because the soil becomes dry and moisture less. Govt. does nothing to take precaution.

Some say, local timber mafia started this fire. They are the one of the most powerful mafia in India. Last year more than 15000 fires have been reported in India. Maximum of them are by mafia.

Billions of dollars are lost. Millions of trees are burnt. Thousands of houses are destroyed. By severity, this year's fire has galloped the entire region into a terror. 

So far 6000 personnel are working day and night to douse the fire. Experts say, climate change and environmental degradation are added cause of this year's severity.

IAF is using choppers to douse the fire. It also will dampen the soil, for future prevention.

Report says, 70% fire has doused. But still danger is looming. Till monsoon, anytime fire can return.

The most victims are animals. The Rajaji National Park being in vicinity of the raged forest, is under imminent danger.

(Photos: Livemint, Examwatch, Hindustantimes, Huffpost, India)
